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                                                         32 X 1st prize

1Flug Vitesse and
1 flight Midfond
not set because of absence


87th place National Dutch Midfond Championship Aangewezen
76th place National Dutch Dagfond Championship Aangewesen


Championships in Afdeling East Brabant East Rayon Region 2018
16th place Midfond Aangewiesen
35th place Midfond Onaange
9th place Eendagsefond Instructed
36th place Eendagsefond Onaangewiesen


Championship in the regional association Peel & Maas.
Midfond 3rd place Midfond Aangewiesen
2nd place Midfond Onaange


1st place Dagfond Instructed
2nd place Dagfond Onaange
2. As-Duif Dagfond
4.As-duif Dagfond


3rd place Aangewiesen Alt at Jung.
3rd place Onaangewiesen Old at Jung
4.As-Duif Old at Jung


8th place Aangewiesen Nachtour Alt
10th place Aangewiesen Nachtour Jung


5th place Onaangewiesen Fond Jung
7th place Aangewiesen Fond Jung


5th Place General below 500KM
7th place onaange below 500KM


Championships in the travel association De Huiszoekers, box sea
1st place Championship Keizer (over all championships)


1st place championship old age
1st place championship old Onaangewiesen
1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – best old pigeon


Middle distance champion
1st place middle distance championship Onaangewiesen
2nd place Mittelstrckenmeisterschaft Aangwiesen
1., – 2., – best middle distance pigeon.


Daytime championship
1st place Dagfond championship Aangewiesen
1.Dagfond Championship Onaangewiesen
1., – 2., – 3., – best Dagfond pigeon


Young Championships
1st place young championship Aangewiesen
1st place young championship Onaangewiesen
1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – best young pigeon


Long Distance Championship Young, 3 flights, 424Km.-511Km, -522Km,
1st place long distance kitten championship Aangewiesen
1st place long distance kitten championship Onaangewiesen
1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – best young pigeon fund

K800_2e national Champion 3

 Travel performance 2017
With 26 x 1st prize
2.National champion of the Netherlands on the middle course
with predetermined pigeons.
86. National Dutch Champion Midfond Onaangewezene
28. (NL-16-1308053) National Ass-duif of the Netherlands Midfond
39th Dutch National Champion Vitesse Onaangewiesen


Hans-Dieter Hofland

   From 37 flights 26 x t

   Afdeeling East Brabant


1. Champion Midfond -Afdeling East Brabant Aangewezene
2. Champion Midfond -Afdeling East Brabant Onaangewezene
1. Duifchampion NL-16-1308053 Afdeling East Brabant
2. Duifchampion DV-3324-16-247
7. Duifchampion DV-7653-14-239
18.Duifchampion NL-16-1310008
19.Duifchampion DV-3324-16-167


Vitesse championship in the regional association Peel & Maas.
1. Champion Vitesse Aangewiesene CC-Peel & Maas
1. Champion Vitesse Onaangewiesene
1. Duifchampion Vitesse 7653-14-239,
7 flights and 7 prices with 6709.7 as points


Midfond championship in the Peel & Maas Regional Association
1.Champion Midfond Aangewiesen CC-Peel & Maas
1. As-Duif Midfond
2. As-Duif
4. As-Duif
1. Champion Jong Onaangewiesen
1. Champion Oud Natoer
2.Champion Midfond Onaangewiesen
2.Champion Gerneral onder 500km Aangewiesen
2.Champion Genreal onder 500km Onaangewiesen
2. As.Duif General onder 500km 7653-14-239 -21 Price


1. Flight Isnes 165 Km> 6., – 10., – 15., – 16., – 23., – 24., – etc. Price 25/14 Prices
2. Isnes airport 165 km> 1., – 5., – 8., – 9., – 13., – 15., – 16., – 17., – 18., –  so  24/18 Prices
3. Flight Isnes 165Km> 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, and so on
4. Flight Chimay 222Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – 7., – 9., – 21., – 23., – 24., – so on Price
5. Flight Vervins, 260Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 5., – 7., – 8., – etc. 24 / 20Price
6. Flight Laon 288Km> 1., – 4., – 6., – 10., – 12., – 13., – etc. Prices
7. Flight Nauntouillie 371Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 6 .-, 7., – 9., – etc. 23 / 15 Price
8. Flight Nauntoullie 371Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – 5., – 9., – 11., –  so on Price
9..Flug Laon 288KM> 2., – 7., – 17., – etc. 17 / 7Preise.
Same weekend is the
10. Flight Issoudun 603Km> 1., – 29., – 6 / 2Preise, only year old.
11.Flug Sezanne 373Km> 2., – 5., – 6., – 16., – 18., – etc. 18/11 prices
12. Flight Nauntoullie 371Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – 6., – 7., – 15., – 18., – so on. 18/13 Prices
13.Flug Chevraivilliers 460Km> 1., – 2., – 5., – 6., – 9., – 12., – 14., –  so on. 18/11 Prices
14.Flug Nauntouillie 371Km> 1., – 9., – 10., – 12., – and so on 16/8 prices
Same weekend is the 14th flight
15.Flug La Souterain 695Km> 6.Pr, 4/1 prices
16.Flug Sezanne 373KM> 2., – 4., – 5., – 6., – 10., – and so on> 19/10 prices
17.Flug Duffel 133Km> 1., – 3., – 5., – 6 -.> 4 / 4Prices
18.Flug Asse Zellig 158Km> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, -20, – 12/12 prices
19.Flug Quievrain 233Km> 1., – 5., – 8., – 9., – 10., – 12/10 prices
20 flights to Chimay 222KM> 1., – 2., – 5., – etc. 12 / 6Preise
21.Flug Chateauroux 630Km> 5., – 6., – 9., – etc. 8 / 4prices
22.Flying Vervins 260Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 5., – etc
23.Flug Epernay 335Km> 1., – 7., – etc. 7/3 prices
24.Flug Chimay 222Km> 1 .-, 4 .-, 5 .-, 8 .-, etc. 10/7 prices
25.Flying Vervins 260 Km> 3 .-, 4 .-, 5 .-, 6 .-, 7-. Etc. 10/7 Prices                                  26.Flug Laon 288Km> 1 .-, 2 .-, 3 .-, 4 .-, 5 .-, 9-. 10/6 Prices                                           27.Flug Laon 288Km> 1 .-, 4 .-, 5 .-, 7 -, 8 – .9-. 10/6 prices


Flight 2017
1.Flug Duffel 133Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – 5., – etc
2.Flug Asse Zellig 158Km> 2., – 3., – 6., – 7., – and so on 30 / 10Prices
3.Flug Quievrain 222KM> 1 .-, 2., – 4., – 5., – 7., – 8., .- and so on 26 / 10Prices
4.Flug Chimay 222Km> 1., – 2., – 3., – 4., – 5., – 7., – 8., – 9., – etc. 24/11 Prices
5.FlugVervins 260Km> 2, 3, 8, 9, 9, and so on
6.Flug Epernay 335Km> 1., – 4., – 5., – 6., .- etc. 24/11 Prices
7.Flug Chimay 222Km> 1 .-, 4 .-, 5 .-, etc. 20/18 prices
8.Flying Vervins 260Km> 1, -, 2 .-, 3 .-, 4 .-, 6 .-, 8.-, etc. 20/14 Prices                                  
9. Flight Laon> 288Km> 1.-,2.-,3.-,4.-,6.-, usw. 20/14 Prices
10. Flight Laon 288Km> 1.-,2.-,5.-,9.-, usw. 20/15 Price
From 37 flights 26 x the 1st prize




Among other things, a son and a daughter from the Guylian Olympics in 1998 in South Africa



a daughter from the Cavendish, who was on the Olympic Games 2011 in Poland.


a son of the Jade (Grandmather of Vooruit) Oympiade 2015 Budapest

Cavendish Belg-13-6221515

These three inbred grandchildren of the legendary Yeti,

7906-13-201 weiss7906-13-211 weiss


Aktuell die Leistungen von 2016

Sg. Hans-Dieter u. Tobias Hofland

Leistungen und Meisterschaften Jung u. Alt in 2016


11 x den 1.Preis in RV u. Cc.

14 x den 2.Preis

11 x den 3.Preis

7   x den 4.Preis

5   x den 5.Preis



Meisterschaften in Abteilung Oost Brabant

2. Meister Mittelstrecke Alt Angewiesene

2.Meister Mittelstrecke Alt Onangewiesene

20.Meister Eintages – Weitstrecke Angewiesene

28.Meister Eintages – Weitstrecke Onangewiesene

10.beste Kurzstrecken Taube 7906-14-242

40.beste Mittelstrecken Taube 7906-14-211




Meisterschaften in der  RV-De Huiszoekers

1.Mittelstreckenmeister Onangewiesene

1.Mittelstreckenmeister Angewiesene

1.Meister Nachtour-Junge Onangewiesene


1.-,5.-,9.-, Beste Kurzstreckentaube

1.-,4.-,9.-,u.10. beste Mittelstreckentaube

1.-,10.-, beste Weitstreckentaube

2.-,5.-,5.-,7.-,9.-,10.-,11.-,beste Jungtaube Nachtour

3.-, 5.-,10.-,13.-,14.-,15-. beste Taube General Alt

4.-,9.-, beste Weitstreckenjungtaube

 2.Weitstreckenmeister Onangewiesene

2.Weitstreckenmeister Angewiesene

2.Kurzstreckenmeister Angewiesene

2.Generalmeister Alte Onangewiesene

2.Generalmeister Alte Angewiesene

2.Generalmeister total Onangewiesene

2.Generalmeister total Angewiesene

2.Generalmeister ( Kaiser) Total An- u. Unangewiesene

2.Meister Nachtour Junge Angewiesene

2- Weitstreckenmeister Jung Onangewiesene

2.Weitstreckenmeister Jung Angewiesene

2.General Jung Onangewiesene

2.General Jung Angewiesene

3.Kurzstreckenmeister Onangewiesene



Meisterschaften 2016 im Regionalverband Cc Peel&Maas

1.Meister Alt bei Jung Onangewiesene

1.Meister Alt bei Jung Angewiesene

1.beste Weitstreckentaube      5243-14-073 Weibchen

2.beste Kurzstrecken Taube     7906-14-242 Weibchen

2.beste Mittelstreckentaube    7906-14-211 Vogel

5.beste Alt bei Jungtaube         7906-14-242 Weibchen

2.Tagesweitstrecke Onangewiesene

2.Tagesweitstrecke Angewiesene

7.Kurzstreckenmeister         Onangewiesene

7.Kurzstreckenmeister         Angewiesene

4.Mittelstreckenmeister Onangewiesene

4.Mittelstreckenmeister Angewiesene

6.Meister Nachtour Jung Onangewiesene

17.Meister Nachtour Jung Angewiesene

5.Meister Weitstrecke Jung Onangewiesene

5.Meister Weitstrecke Jung Angewiesene

10.Meister General unter 500Km Onangewiesene

15.Meister General über 500Km Onangewiesene

13.Meister General über 500Km Angewiesene

Services to the young animal flights in 2014 of the

SG – Hofland

Isnes 165km:1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 9 – 10 – 27/21 prices etc

Chimay 222km: 8, – 13, – 19, – 20, – etc. 27/11 prices

Laon 288km: 2 – 6, – 7, – 10, – 12, – 13, – 15, – 19, -etc 25/18 prices

Sezanne 373Km: 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 7 – 8, – 10, – 11, – etc. 22/15

Isnes 165km: 1., – 2, – 3, – 4, – 5, – 6 – 7 – 8, – 11, – 14, – 15, – 16, -18 – etc. prices

Gien 511Km 1, -. 2, -. 8, -. etc. 12.6 prices

Isnes 165km 1, -. 2, -. 3, -. 4, -. 7, -. 12, -. 15, -. etc. 11/11 prices

Chimay 222Km 1.,-2.,-3.,-4.,  etc. 20/17  prices

Laon 288Km 4.,-10.,-11., etc. 7/6 price

Gien 511Km 2.,-3.,-6.,-11.,-12.,- etc. 14/6 prices

Sens 438Km 1.,-2.,-3.,-4.,-6.,-7.,-8.,-10.,- etc. 18/13 prices CC-Flug ( Reg.Flug)

a total of 11 flights 7 x 1st prize

in CC Peel & Maas ( Wie Reg.verb. in Deutschland)

1.Duifchampion Fonde Junge

1.Champion Aangewezen Jonge Duiven Fond

1. Champion Onangewezen jonge Duiven Fond

Bei den Huiszoekers ( wie in Deutschland die Reisever.)

1. Championenschap Keizer

1.Champion Angewezen

1.Champion Onangewezen

1.,-2.,-3.,-4.,- General Jong

    Gesamtbild mit großer Schrift hans 4


From the super breeding loft of the beat community Freialdenhofen & Sons

In the breeding loft now sit a half-brother from

1 Price International Pau 2012 – 8395 Pig . – and a full brother of the

1 Nationalwinner 2013 Barcelona -1733 Pig . of the shock Community Freialdenhofen & Sons .

Also from the shock Community Wilder – Lutz are some animals that come

from the line of two Barcelonawinner, for breeding to us on the beat .

For the program game, we have some animals from the Olympic athletes

ofHenry Menten brought it.

Championships in 2012

5 Golden Duif winner Junior

7.Niederländischer Master Hookchampion Junior

18 best Dutch youngster Junior

1 best young pigeon Vitesse , in the C : C Peel & Maas

1 u.4 . best young pigeon General in Huiszoekers

1.Jungtaube Vitesse Onaangewezen

1 Fond Onaangwezen youngsters

2.Jungtaube Vitesse Angewezen

2.General youngsters

1 -2 – . 3 and Duifkampion Fond youngsters

4 x 1 price Travel service Jung Tour 2012

Also in this year, despite transformation of our shock on long distance pigeons, we were able to Jung flights

4 x 1st Price and some win championships .

Kurt Weitkamp x Ernst Nebel

The Super breeding pair our impact has already

4 x the 1st prize bred.

super couples 2

Travel service Jung Flight 2012

Also in this year, despite transformation of our shock on long distance

pigeons, we were able to Jung flights 4 x 1st Price and win some


Flight Isnes 165 Km , 1 -2 – . 4th and 10th price.

Flight Isnes 2, 165 Km , 1 – 3 – 6 and 7.Preis.

Flight Epernay 335 Km , 1 – 8 -14 – . 17:19 . 20 Price .

Flight Pithiviers 482 km, 1st-2nd – 5th – 6th – 7th – 11th u.s.w Price.

Flight Reims 310 Km , 2 – 3 – 11 – 12th u.s.w. price.

Flight Orleans 510 Km , 2 – 3 -4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 -9 – . Etc Price.

Flights Eppernay 335 Km , 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 -8. u.s.w Price.

Flight Sezanne 375 Km , 2 – 3 – 6 – 7th u.s.w Price


One of our best travel birds, he can fly tip from any distance

Kleiner Belgier

For the year 2015, the Breeding plan is completed on

the Homepage